services / cadastral-survey / boundary-change

Basic subdivision, parcelling

Basic sudivision describes a process to modify existing property boundaries to enlarge or reduce the area of the current plot. Either serveral plot can be created (parcelling) or a new subdivision of the current plots can be made. Similarly, an existing boundary line between two plots can either be changed slightly or straightened. If a piece of land is to be subdivided, a surveying certificate is required.


Extensive legal provisions such as the Survey Law (VermG), the Survey Regulation, the Spatial Planning Law, Building Regulations, the property subdivision law (LTG), the Forest Law, the Land Registry Law and a few more regulations must be complied with. Subdivision projects must be done legally only by authorized persons (§1 LTG).

Kollenprat Dietrich
Kollenprat Dietrich

The Consulting Engineer for Surveying (IKV) helps the landowner, from the very first concept through the survey and negotiation of land boundaries with its neighbors, up to the final subdivision certificate with his expertise.

For unknown or ambiguous boundaries the IKV checks all older documents and performs with the neighbors a border negotiation. If the plot is already situated in a secured cadastre, this negotiation is unnecessary. The ownership of the land is permanently secured in this cases. For more information please contact us directly.


In order to perform a subdivision you need at least two assessment notices. Firstly, the land registry legal decision of the surveying authority, on the other hand a building code decision by the planning authority (municipality) or a forestry legal decision (in forest-divisions) of the Forestry Commission. If it is in your interest, we take care of the notices and get them for you.
