services / cadastral-survey / registration-of-easements

Servitudes easements

Servitudes or easements are according to Austrian property law limited real rights to use land whose owner is obliged to tolerate something or refrain the same thing.

The easement is created by agreement of owners and registration of the easement in the land register of the burdened property. The entitled person is being protected from disturbances of his right to use it like an owner.


The most common type of servitudes is the granting of footpaths or driving right of parts of one or more plots, for persons who are not owners of these properties.

In addition, there are still a number of other rights that may exist on a certain area of one or more plots.

Walking and driving
Timber transportation
Cattle drives
Pipe runs
Water extraction
Fishing rights
(fishing cadastre)
To ensure these rights in the Land Register and to avoid disputes, the accurate easement area has to be measured and furthermore a servitude plan has to be created. (= location for various rights on a property)

The easement has to be tagged in nature. For more information please contact us.
DI Dietrich Kollenprat
Kollenprat Dietrich
Kollenprat Dietrich